01/11/06 Do Killers Drive Our Public Transport Busses?

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Animal Friends' reaction to the case of intentionally killed female puppy by "Samoborcek" bus driver

Animal Friends is angry about the case in which a driver of the transporting company Samoborcek on January 9, 2006 intentionally killed a five month old female puppy named Targa, who was following her keeper Katica Kendel to the bus entrance door.

Allegedly, the dog put dirt on the bus with her paws and her keeper objected driver's smoking, and all this enraged the driver, who then intentionally killed the dog. After running over the dog, the driver, who didn't show any regret, let the dog keeper from the bus not earlier than on the next bus-stop.

We demand an in-depth investigation of this case, which shows that violence against animals is not tolerated, but also that persons who are able to kill an innocent animal just like that, should not have permission to drive children and adults in public transport, but rather be arrested and imprisoned.

Animal Friends will demand that charges be brought against the bus driver and have already sent a demand to the manager of Samoborcek Bozo Grguric to reveal the driver's identity. We see no reason for Samoborcek to hide that information, not for the company's reputation sake, and even less for its passenger's safety.



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