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02/23/2023 Cows Do Not Live as Royals

Animal Friends Croatia published a shocking video with scenes of the separation of mothers and children, filmed on farms in Europe and throughout the World! The continuation of the campaign and the reaction to the expected missing reply from company Belje were harshly called out last week in a letter about deceiving advertising through the brand “Kravica Kraljica”- “Cow Queen”. Association Animal Friends Croatia presented very disturbing facts about the dairy industry and asked for permission to film, at one of Belje’s dairy farms, standard procedures after the birth of a calf and to allow the public to independently evaluate whether calves are separated from their mothers and if such a treatment is royal.

02/03/2023 More than 1200 Animals Castrated for Free

With a total of 1,203 castrated animals, Animal Friends Croatia successfully completed the project of free castration of cats and dogs in earthquake-affected areas of Sisak-Moslavina County! „We thank all who participated in this extraordinary project and who recognized castration as a tool of preventing unwanted cubs and pubs and preventing the suffering – the donors, the veterinary medicine doctors who castrated at favorable prices, volunteers and animal caretakers”, says Dr. med. vet. Svjetlana Prodanović, the project leader and the coordinator. Taking into consideration that during the entire project timeline, the interest for free castration of Sisak-Moslavina County inhabitants is not ceasing, in 2023 the project is continued through the Harmonija Association.

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