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09/26/2023 Belgium notified about dog rapist residing in the country

The statute of limitations expired on September 21st for the notorious case of Ivor Ivanišević who raped his two dogs over a period of six years, of which one died, and shared photos and videos of the abuse on the internet, thus inciting others like him to do the same. On this occasion, Animal Friends Croatia sent a memo to relevant animal protection groups and leading media in Belgium to inform them that there is a person at large in Belgium who has been sentenced twice in Croatia with the possibility of appeal for an appalling crime against dogs. In the memo, the group expresses hope that the Croatian judiciary has learned a lesson from this case and, as such, will never again allow justice to fail in such a severe and disgraceful manner.

09/21/2023 Prison Sentence for Animal Abandonment

As per documents of the workgroup of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration, working on the amendments to the Criminal Law, the measures for animal protection will be enhanced: abandonment of animals will become a criminal offense with an expected prison sentence of up to one year and prison sentences for killing or torturing of animals will also be increased. Higher penalties for animal abuse and prison sentence for abandonment is supported by a large number of citizens. That can be seen by a high number of signatures for a petition „Abandonment of Animals is a Criminal Offense”, but also according to the survey in which a high 88% of people declared they agree that a prison sentence is a must for abandonment of a dog. The Association Animal Friends Croatia expressed satisfaction that the Ministry accepted the proposal for which they started the initiative and petition in 2021.

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