8 Easy Ways to Make an Impact for Animals and the Environment

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We have the power to change the world – from our whole Earth to the life of just one animal, like that of a gentle manatee or threatened bear.

As citizens of the Earth, we have the responsibility to take care of it and the creatures that walk upon it, and it is through both our personal and collective social actions that changes can be made.

Of course, there are and will be challenges to face en route to achieving animal and environmental protections of any size, but battles can (and have been) won. Help make an impact by unleashing your political monster.

Click here to read about eight easy ways to make an impact for animals and the environment in the article on One Green Planet.

One Green Planet One Green Planet is your online guide to making conscious choices that help people, animals and the planet. Our goal is to cut through the noise around issues related to food, health, animals and the environment and empower you to re-imagine the way you eat, buy and think.

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