12/20/14 Vegan Holiday Cooking Workshop

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Animal Friends organizes a special holiday cooking workshop

- Find out how to spend the holidays eating vegan meals, what and how to cook without eggs, meat, milk or honey

Encouraged by citizens’ interest in preparing plant-based meals, Animal Friends has begun offering cooking workshops for adults. The workshops are aimed at those interested in preparing food that does not include ingredients of animal origin. Animal Friends’ upcoming workshops are holiday themed and will showcase how to make traditional holiday meals vegan.

The workshops are held at the organization’s office (Jurisiceva 25, Zagreb) and the holiday meals workshop will be held on Saturday, December 20, 2014, starting at 10:30 A.M. The workshop facilitator is Nikolina Plenar, an experienced cook who has participated in highly popular workshops at the annual ZeGeVege Festival.

Even though there are many health benefits associated with a plant-based diet, most citizens are not very familiar with the number of meal variations and tasty possibilities that such a diet offers. In Croatia there are currently over 160,000 vegetarians and vegans, and that number is raising daily, as well as the number of people interested in a vegan diet. Whether it is about life, health, ethics, or interest in cooking, vegan cooking workshops present a unique challenge for everyone.

For example, a traditional dish for this time of year, like cabbage rolls, can be equally tasty without the addition of meat. For those who cannot survive without a roast, seitan is a great alternative and there are also recipes for preparing aspic out of plant-based ingredients, which is also far healthier. French salad made with egg-free mayonnaise is easily available to everyone. Traditional deserts such as walnut rolls and poppy seed rolls are easy to make without eggs and milk. These are just a few examples of many holiday dishes that can be made vegan instead.

The cooking workshops are designed so that, through socialising and a relaxed atmosphere, participants advance together through the cooking process and learn basic knowledge about the ingredients and their preparation. Whatever participants make in the workshop can be tasted by others in the class, providing an opportunity to exchange ideas and ask additional questions.

Regardless of one’s previous knowledge or dietary habits, everyone has an opportunity to learn more about the preparation of healthy and tasty vegan food. In order to apply for the workshop, an application form needs to be completed. On the form, there is space available to note your interests and current level of food preparation knowledge.

Workshops are free of charge, however, in order to cover some basic costs it is necessary to contribute a minimum donation of 80 HRK per person, i.e. 50 HRK for Animal Friends members.

Anyone who is interested can apply for the holiday workshop held on December 20 at www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr. Holiday and vegan recipes can be found on the website as well.

The holiday workshop is open to members of the media. We invite all interested representatives to attend the workshop and interview workshop facilitator Nikolina Plenar, nutritionist Ivana Simic, and the workshop participants.

Photo gallery from Vegan Holiday Cooking Workshop

Cooking workshop, 20th December 2014

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