09/21/15 Being Dog-Friendly Is In!

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Animal Friends Croatia support the first dog-friendly automobile showroom opened in Croatia

Ivan Deèak of the rock-band Vatra, the "godfather" of the automobile showroom, says: "Take full responsibility for animals."

Animal Friends Croatia have supported the project of the Opel automobile manufacturer to open the first dog-friendly automobile showroom and send a message of how important it is to take care of animals. To make visits to their showrooms as pleasant as possible for dog owners, Opel Croatia opened the first dog-friendly showroom at their PSC Zagreb shop, located on the Slavonska Avenue.

It has a dog park in the backyard and a pet zone with treats, water dishes, dog training ground, toys, brushes, and other accompanying accessories indoors. Showroom visitors can also find educational brochures containing advice on how to be a responsible animal caretaker and properly treat pets.

"We commend Opel for opening a dog-friendly showroom and for participating in educating people about importance of proper care and better treatment of animals", said Luka Oman, the president of Animal Friends Croatia. Except for giving instructions on how to safely transport animals and emphasising that under no circumstance should animals be left in hot cars, Oman also said: "It is important to adopt animals, not buy them, and to never abandon them. Vacations should be planned in advance – we can leave animals at someone's charge or we can take them with us. Before adopting it is extremely important to consider the conditions we have for long-term, responsible care, including food, treatment, castration/sterilisation, and vaccination costs, and last but not least if we have enough time."

At the opening of the showroom, Ivan Decak, the singer of a Croatian rock-band Vatra, was chosen as its "godfather". Decak's band was the face of this summer's AFC campaign titled "With you on the busiest roads", which is an adapted version of a line from their song Tango. The purpose of the campaign was to urge people to adopt and to stop abandoning animals. Ivan used this occasion to argue for animals: "Animals should not be taken for granted and we should take full responsibility of them. They are living beings that we have an obligation to take care of; we should treat them as we treat ourselves. It is beyond my comprehension how easily animal owners abandon their pets when they go on vacation. That is why I applaud the idea of raising awareness about taking care of pets, which is exactly what Opel did by opening this kind of a showroom."

"We wanted to create a place completely equipped for pets and set a trend and an example for others, with a message that animals are welcome in Opel's showrooms." said Marija Klaic, the marketing manager for Opel Croatia, and added that this is a pilot-project they intend to implement in other Opel showrooms.

You can find more information about this praiseworthy project, its educational brochure, ads for adopting animals and sitting pets, as well as information on how to help animals on our website: www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr.

Ivan Decak with Ari [ 272.22 Kb ]Opel - dog friendly salon [ 238.41 Kb ]Ivan Decak and Hundac [ 236.60 Kb ]Opel - dog friendly salon [ 248.61 Kb ]

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