02/23/17 The President Supports the Abolishment of Dog Killing

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A letter has arrived from the Office of President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, supporting the decision to abolish the killing of abandoned animals in shelters

To the delight of friends of the animals, animal protection organizations and the vast majority of the public, President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has stated in an official letter that "by implementing the decision to abolish the killing of animals in shelters, the Republic of Croatia will achieve the level of protection of animals appropriate to European standards and will, as it is very important, pay tribute to all the organizations and animal lovers who have been making great efforts to implement real and effective protection of the animals."

This is direct support for the praiseworthy decision of Minister Tolusic and good news for the six existing no-kill shelters which, with their long-term experience, show that their way of work is more humane and cost-effective.

At the beginning of January, Minister of Agriculture Tomislav Tolusic decided to introduce the ban on killing dogs in shelters in the new Animal Protection Act, respectively removing the possibility of killing after 60 days. The minister also announced a more detailed inspection of the implementation of microchipping and participation of all local communities in the implementation of the Act.

The minister showed humanity and desire for concrete implementation of the law when he supported the enforcement of the ban on breeding animals for fur. His decision to support no-kill shelters shows a consistent ear for animal welfare and the voice of the public. Taking a stand for abandoned animals and correcting injustice towards them should result in better enforcement of the Animal Protection Act, which must be kept alive.

The president of the Republic also declares "that other relevant laws and regulations must reflect the sensibility of the Croatian public to respect living beings and life in all its manifestations."

Animal Friends Croatia thanks President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic and her office for the support. That gratitude is on behalf of the 90 percent of Croatian citizens who do not want their money being used for killing animals, but for caring, castration, adoption and education. In the long run, those principles lead to better results for the entire community.

All who wish to support the improved Animal Protection Act, seeking the punishment of irresponsible citizens instead of the execution of innocent animals, can sign the petition in Croatian on www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr/zaboljizakon and support the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Dog with a sad eyes [ 143.74 Kb ]

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