12/29/14 Life Saving New Year's Resolutions for Ourselves and Others!

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Animal Friends proposes simple resolutions to citizens on the occasion of New Year

- The best New Year's resolution: change yourself and the world for the better

At the end of the year many people make New Year's resolutions about a healthier diet, losing weight and and take positive changes for other people, environment and animals. Animal Friends proposes a New Year's resolution which unites the desire for good health and looks, as well as the need to help others and become a better person.

Why not get into the New Year as a vegetarian or, better yet, vegan? This decision can be the most effective for our health and good looks as well as for other people, the environment and animals.

A varied vegan diet provides all the nutrients needed for good health. Based on whole foods, with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, it is low in fat and sugar and thus helps maintain the desired weight. Studies have confirmed that a balanced vegan diet is generally healthier than the standard diet with foods of animal origin. Therefore, the transition to veganism will bring many health benefits.

In addition to being healthy, the vegan diet encourages compassion for other beings, for it radically changes the view of the world and respects the lives of thousands of animals who every day end up in slaughterhouses. Changing the diet creates a delightful feeling due to positive effects on health and increased energy, but also because of the rescued animals and preserving the environment. Thus, everyone becomes part of a large global community of conscious compassionate individuals, which is spreading rapidly. That way, a New Year's resolution can be revolutionary for the individual and society, bringing a large and specific change for the benefit of other living beings and the planet we share.

The vegan lifestyle also includes avoiding leather, fur, wool and silk, products tested on animals, as well as places where animals are in captivity or used for entertainment. A New Year's resolution can also be reading a good book about veganism or some other step towards diet and lifestyle that can transform the life of every individual and save the world in which we live.

Therefore, in the new year enrich your diet, discover new tastes and turn over a new leaf – a leaf of compassion, good health and vitality, sustainability and environmental awareness!

Animal Friends can facilitate the implementation of the New Year's resolutions by offering extensive information on www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr, free printed and video materials, cooking workshops that will evoke the joy of cooking and enjoying vegan food, as well as tips on the Vegan Buddy, a personal adviser on vegan lifestyle.

Find 12 reasons on Animal Friends' web site that will help you make your New Year's resolution the switching to the vegan diet.

Let’s achieve this New Year's resolution and let it last for a lifetime!

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