11/02/20 Ban on firecrackers in Parliament!

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On the occasion of the amendments to the Law on Explosive Substances, Animal Friends asked the deputies for support

- Appeal to Croatian MPs: in addition to the ban on firecrackers, let's limit the time of sale and use of pyrotechnics

On the occasion of the announcement for Tuesday of the first reading of the Bill on Amendments to the Law on Explosive Substances and Production and Trade in Weapons, the Animal Friends Croatia sent letters to members of parliament and members of the Government. They asked them to support the positive change that the AFC has advocated for years and which has received huge support from the public, experts, and institutions, namely the ban on the sale, purchase, possession, and personal use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnics of categories F2 and F3 throughout the year.

Animal Friends Croatia appealed to MPs and members of the Government to add these amendments to the Act to ensure greater protection of people, animals, and property and to request in the final Bill that the sale of other pyrotechnics from categories F2 and F3 be allowed only in the period from 27th to 31st December, and their use only in the period from 31st December to 1st January.

"Ensuring the implementation of the Law along with the slogan 'Peace and Good' can be achieved only by changing the date of permitted sale of pyrotechnics from categories F2 and F3, as well as changing the time limits on the use of noisy pyrotechnics," said AFC. The practice has shown that the use of pyrotechnics begins on the first day of the sale even though it is not allowed, and with nothing celebrated from December 27th to 30th anyway.

"The sound of firecrackers scares people and animals, their use often leads to serious injuries to people and animals, and firecrackers leave litter on the streets and pollute the air. Firecrackers terrify domestic and wild animals because of the noise they create, but they also scare babies and small children, and cause distress to the elderly, people who suffer from PTSD, have heart problems or epilepsy ", warn the AFC.

Recognizing the justification for the protection of humans and animals, nine ministries also supported the ban on firecrackers: Ministry of Science and Education; Ministry of Tourism; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts; Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Energy, and Ministry of Croatian veterans, and were joined by the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy and the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning.

The Government, as the proposer of amendments to the Act, states that these amendments aim to protect the life and health of people, especially those under 18 years of age, as well as reduce the number of dead and injured animals, which AFC praises and supports.

Animal Friends also reminds us that not so long ago pyrotechnic devices of categories F2 and F3 were banned throughout the year. They believe that lawmakers will recognize the fact that firecrackers psychologically harm many people who, instead of celebrating, have to spend the holidays every year locked in a house with blinds down, fearing whether their pets under sedation will survive or die of heart failure. They remind of the fact that children’s fingers and eyes are worth more than money gained by importing firecrackers. They conclude that these changes are the first steps towards greater safety for citizens and animals and that Croatia should strive for celebrations with attractive silent pyrotechnics and lighting effects instead.

firecrackers scare children [ 208.59 Kb ]firecrackers [ 534.24 Kb ]


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