08/18/21 Adopting Animals is Socially Responsible Behavior!

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Animal Friends calls for the International Day of Remembrance for Homeless Animals

Adoption is socially responsible behaviour [ 603.10 Kb ]

-It is necessary to involve all cities and municipalities in the promotion of animal foster care and animal castration

According to Animal Friends, the International Day of Remembrance for Homeless Animals should serve as a call to action to address the importance of tackling animal abandonment. They state the necessity in carrying out microchipping and castration of dogs and cats. And, as a society, we should be encouraging the adoption of animals instead of their purchase, which is typically seen as an example of noble and socially responsible behavior.

The International Day of Remembrance for Homeless Animals is marked every third Saturday in August since it was launched by the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) in 1992. This year, it’s marked on Saturday, 21 August 2021, in more than 50 countries on over six continents. An active supporter and leading organization fighting for animal rights, PETA, who also shares similar opinions with Animal Rights, has on numerous occasions declared: “Like every other problem we wish to solve, we must attack it at its core. This means that we need to endorse mandatory microchipping and castration of dogs and cats. But, more importantly, start adopting animals in foster care rather than purchasing them.”

“Apart from constantly needing to raise awareness on the importance of responsible caregiving, castration of dogs and cats, and adopting instead of buying animals, more emphasis should be placed on the systematic problem-solving and involvement of all authorities to resolve the issue,” states Koraljka Petrinoviæ, Coordinator at Animal Welfare Network, a Project Association of Animal Friends bringing together more than 50 member associations throughout Croatia.

The Animal Protection Network sent out a call of action to all local self-government units to observe the International Day of Remembrance for Homeless Animals by organizing a public event promoting fostering, as well as, putting up promotional flyers, sending media announcements, and printing leaflets encouraging castration of animals at a much cheaper price or for free.

“Some local self-government units already fund and subsidize castration of dogs and cats, in addition to those abandoned and in the adoption phase, by administering the microchipping of dogs while visiting all household - which is within their legal obligation. But, animals need the involvement of all cities and municipalities to promote fostering and castration in order to prevent the cruelty which is that of abandonment. Dogs and cats wander while exposed to hunger, thirst, bad weather conditions, automobiles and oncoming traffic and/or animal abusers or are sentenced to wait for their adoption in cages,” vocalizes Animal Friends.

They also add that dogs and cats are domesticated animals which means they depend on humans to provide them necessities: food, water, veterinary care, management of reproduction, shelter and safety, and are incapable of surviving long-term without us. “Today, no one has to have a dog or cat under their care, but if they do decide to, they should take full responsibility to guarantee they have enough time and money to meet all the physical and mental needs of this animal who essentially becomes a new member of the family,” cautions the Association.

Therefore, Animal Friends calls on everyone this International Day of Remembrance for Homeless Animals not to forget the thousands of abandoned animals throughout Croatia that require our help, as well as, those animals on leashes in similar inhumane conditions.

For more information on how to help animals on leashes, who frequently become abandoned after many years of suffering, you can visit www.zabranimo-lanac.hr.

Adoption is socially responsible behaviour [ 900.26 Kb ]Adoption is socially responsible behaviour [ 868.07 Kb ]

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