09/22/21 A chained dog had been starving to death for a long time and no one cared

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Associations are calling for a legal ban on keeping dogs on a leash and higher penalties for torturing animals.

A horrific sight of a dead dog tied to a chain in the village of Turèinoviæi near the village called Sveti Petar u ©umi in central Istria broke the heart of a SNOOPY association volunteer from Pula. Volunteers wanted to help the dog, but he has already died. The horror experienced by the unfortunate black dog is also visible in his curled skinny body and his dirty bowls without water and food in a box full of rubbish in which he was tied to a chain. "The dog's ribs are visible, there is a lot of space between the neck and the collar to which he is tied with a chain, which shows that he did not eat for a long time and that he probably died slowly from starvation. He couldn't escape because of the chain. The person who left the tied dog to die is a monstrous criminal ", the Animal Friends association reacted sharply.

Together with the Friends of Èakovec Shelter and the Victory Association, with 56 members of the Animal Protection Network and with the support of institutions, Animal Friends launched a national campaign "For Croatia without dogs on a leash" aimed at a total legal ban on keeping dogs on a leash. The SNOOPY association, shaken by the terrible fate of the dog, also supports the ban on the chain from the very beginning: “This dog has been dying on a chain for months, and that death was coming slowly. No one saw his suffering, pain, thirst, hunger, loneliness, the worms that had been eating him alive. It was obviously not noticed or just not cared for by the owners, neighbors, or passers-by. He didn't even get a chance. We didn't get a chance to help him. "

According to publicly available data, the house in whose yard the dog died was sold in May this year and has new owners: „what happened, how the dog remained in the box tied to a chain that allowed him to move within a radius of only half a meter, who was responsible for it and did not care that the living being was dying before his eyes, should be determined by the institutions. We also have information that the day before the dog died one of the people came to that house and just passed by his box. Nothing can bring him back.“

The SNOOPY association reported the case to the police, criminal processing is underway, and a veterinary examination determined that the animal was severely neglected. The SNOOPY Association insists that an autopsy be performed to determine the exact cause of the dog's death and points out that "they will do everything possible to ensure that the people who allowed this pay the most severe punishment." Animal Friends adds that it is already clear that the dog suffered terribly and that it is a criminal offense to torture an animal.

"Currently, the prescribed prison sentence of up to six months for someone who negligently deprived an animal of food or water for a long time, or up to one year in prison for someone who severely abuses or kills an animal is too small and does not correspond to the gravity of the crimes. Since 2005, we have been advocating for a complete legal ban on keeping dogs on a leash, and if the legislator had obeyed us then, this dog would not have died in agony now. No one who does not have the conditions to care for a dog should or should have a dog. Keeping dogs on leashes is shameful and inadmissible, and the amount of imprisonment for crimes against animals must be increased, "said the Association.

They add that this terrible case must be an incentive for the competent ministry to ban the cruelty of keeping dogs on a leash as soon as possible with the amendments to the Animal Protection Act. „Not only are dogs doomed to a miserable life within a few meters, but they are also exposed to all weather conditions, most often poor nutrition, without a bowl of water, forced to defecate in almost the same place where they sleep and eat, hungry for human touch, tormented by the chain. And in the end, left like garbage, to die .”, they point out.

Text translated by: Nives Ivkoviæ

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