03/30/23 Our Loves with Ears

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Appeal to all in Croatia not to buy rabbits and other animals for Easter: animals are not toys

- 1st April, 2023, Jelaèiæ Square, 10 a.m.: The happening „Adoption is Cool”; dogs looking for a home, a program for children

The event „Adoption is Cool” with a theme „Our Loves with Ears” will be held on Saturday, 1st of April 2023 at the Ban Josip Jelaèiæ Square in Zagreb from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. To the educational event organized by the City of Zagreb and the Shelter for Abandoned Animals of the City of Zagreb and with the cooperation of Animal Friends Croatia and the Association for Helping Rabbits and Bunnies „Zecovi - Little Rabbits“, all are welcome, especially the youngest ones.

All visitors will be able to obtain useful information for home pets and adoption and also have the opportunity to pet some of the residents of the Shelter for Abandoned Animals of the City of Zagreb. This year's event emphasizes responsible adoption considering it will be held prior to Easter, when irresponsible citizens usually without consideration, purchase bunnies, chicks and other animals as toys for children. When they realize they are unable to or do not want to take care of them, often, just after Easter, they leave them in the street where they are often killed. Rabbits, dogs and cats are not children’s toys but new family members that demand care and love still for many years after Easter.

„There is a large number of abandoned cats and dogs in Croatia, as well as rabbits. Those who have the conditions to take care of a rabbit may adopt him from the Association „Zecovi - Little Rabbits “and other associations who take care of them, but, prior to that, should think it over very well, just as much as prior to adopting cats and dogs. Namely, rabbits also require daily quality time spent with them, love and responsibility, good housing conditions, reproduction control and veterinary care throughout their lives”, Animal Friends Croatia points out.

After each animal’s entering into a home there should be a well-thought-over decision, an estimate of possibilities for taking care of it and consent from every family member. The Shelter for Abandoned Animals of the City of Zagreb throughout the entire year, especially during Spring and Summer, has its hands filled with work with abandoned cats and dogs that sometimes wait for years for someone to adopt them as a new member of the family.

Therefore, adopting abandoned animals is not only a necessity but also cool considering that with adoption we save two animals: the one we adopted and the one who will arrive in a shelter in their place. „Adoption is a good deed, saving a life of an innocent creature and providing a family home to those who have lost it because of irresponsible citizens”, Animal Friends Croatia emphasizes. They say that love cannot be bought and invite everyone to adopt one of the thousands of abandoned animals waiting in the shelter.

Even though the Animal Protection Act obliges all guardians to control the reproduction of pets, some of them ignore this obligation. During seven years, one cat and her descendants can bring into the world 420,000 kittens, and a female dog and her descendants 67,000 puppies, making castration the most efficient manner of reproduction control of cats and dogs and a responsible act.

More information on happening „Adoption is Cool” can be found on Facebook event.

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