05/25/23 Cool Off Yourself and the Climate at the 12th VeggieFair

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Animal Friends Croatia invites all for the vegan ice cream at the European Square on June 3rd

- June 3rd from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.: petition signing, degustations and promotions, tasty and sustainable food

Ice cream, the most tempting product for salvation from the heat these days, will definitely be one of the biggest hits of the 12th VeggieFair. As per information from the organizers, Animal Friends Croatia, vegan ice cream is just as tasty and healthier than those made with cow milk and eggs, most of the time will fewer calories and the additional benefit is that aside from us, they also cool our planet.

That being, as is stated, a third of the world’s area is changing into deserts due to the production of meat, and the meat and the dairy and egg industry are closely in cause-effect relation with the environmental devastation. And due to these reasons, by choosing our own diet, we are the ones deciding on whether we will or will not soon be left without clean air, forests, drinking water and fertile ground.

“Since animal breeding is one of the leading causes of the emission of greenhouse gases, by choosing vegan food we decrease our carbon print and support the more sustainable food system. We invite all to join us on June 3rd, 2023 from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. at the European Square and to find out more about food and environment connections through the educational panels and then afterward to try the tasty vegan food and other plant products that will be largely available”, Animal Friends Croatia say.

All will be able to also taste vegan cheeses, mochi, gyoza, falafel, small ground plant-based meat burgers (čevapčići), several types of plant-based burgers, plant-based sausages, salami, steaks and more. After the degustation or a meal, the visitors will also be able to sign the petition to start investing in Europe’s life-saving technology of meat production without animals, that being the one with cultivated meat. All interested can leave their signature now at https://endtheslaughterage.eu/hr/.

12th VeggieFair is also the announcement of the 15th ZeGeVege Festival of Sustainable Living, which will be held on September 1st and 2nd, 2023, at the Zagreb European Square. At both events single-use plastic packaging and single-use plastic bags will not be used, everything offered and promoted will be of plant origin. The goal is to encourage visitors to leave a tiny environment printed with their lifestyle and diet. By promoting a sustainable way of living and a positive atmosphere both events are also a place for good decisions – in favour of own health, environment and animals.

More about the 12th VeggieFair and announcements of exhibitors can be found on Facebook-events.

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