05/27/24 Unspayed Street Cats Die from Disease

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May 27 Marks International Free-Roaming Cat Spay Day

- Call to Local Communities for Funding Spay Programs and Organizing Feeding Stations

On the occasion of May 27, International Free-Roaming Cat Spay Day, the Animal Friends association sent a letter to all cities and municipalities, urging them to implement the "Trap-Neuter-Return" program actively. The success and necessity of such a program are proven by examples worldwide. Many cities and municipalities in Croatia also carry out the spaying of free-roaming cats using this same method.

“Caring for free-roaming cats is not just a legal obligation of cities and municipalities; it can also demonstrate their compassion, nurturing of humane values, and sensitivity towards animal protection. Free-roaming cats should not be relocated, and they are difficult to adopt. Therefore, the only solution is their spaying and organizing feeding stations for cats, which should be defined at the local community level,” explains Animal Friends. They emphasize the need for systematic action by cities and municipalities, which they call upon to fund the spaying of both free-roaming and owned cats as a preventive and most effective solution to the problem.

“If the number of free-roaming cats is not controlled through spaying, they are condemned to wandering, constant searching for food, and continuous cycles of birthing kittens, who often die from disease and malnutrition, infectious and untreated diseases, territorial fights, death from poisoning or being hit by cars, and so on. By spaying them, we help protect them from the transmission of feline infectious diseases. Cats not exhausted from birthing kittens will have significantly better immunity and overall health and will not injure each other,” emphasizes Dr. Svjetlana Prodanoviæ, DVM, project coordinator of the Animal Protection Network, which comprises more than 50 associations.

Therefore, on the occasion of International Free-Roaming Cat Spay Day, the Animal Protection Network also sent a letter to all veterinary clinics, urging them to spay at least one (preferably more) free-roaming or abandoned cat for free and send an educational message about the importance of spaying with this symbolic act.

More information can be found in the brochure "Spaying to Reduce Abandoned Animals," which includes a description of the proper marking of spayed free-roaming cats by notching the left ear. Anyone wishing to help cats can fill out an application for a discounted or free spay at www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr.

The free spay campaign for free-roaming cats is supported by: Rijeka Veterinary Clinic, Pula Veterinary Clinic, Bobanoviæ Dubrovnik Veterinary Clinic, Petvet Ogulin Veterinary Clinic, Rovinj Veterinary Clinic, and Vetti group d.o.o. with multiple clinics. These clinics continuously and at discounted prices spay free-roaming cats in collaboration with local self-government units or local animal protection associations.

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