05/21/22 International Day for Biological Diversity

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Animal Friends Croatia is calling on the public to show support for the protection of biodiversity

- 22 of May: What we put on our plates will decide the future of animal species

On the occasion of the International Day for Biological Diversity, celebrated on the 22nd of May every year, Animal Friends Croatia presents distressing data and calls on the public to support the survival of endangered animal species.

Numerous studies conducted over the last few years show that as much as 40% of all amphibians, 25% of all mammals and 13% of all birds may soon become extinct. In addition to these devastating statistics, further research data from a 15-year study on the conservation status of reptiles has been published in the British journal “Nature” revealing that up to 21% of reptiles are facing extinction.

Research also indicates the causes of loss of biodiversity, or rather, it reconfirms that what we eat is directly linked to the fate of animal species. Dozens of billions of cows grown to supply burgers and dairy products, hens grown for eggs and pigs grown for meat cause irreparable damage to nature. Not only does all animal breeding require enormous resources: soil, water, and oil, it also produces more gas emissions than the total global traffic, while depriving wild animals of their precious habitats or polluting them.

“It is easy to cut the damage caused by animal breeding as all those animal products can be replaced by plant products with a much lower carbon footprint, while, at the same time, improving health by following a plant-based diet,” state Animal Friends Croatia.

Having recognized the importance of the preservation of natural ecosystems, the UN signed the Convention on Biological Diversity back in 1992. The theme of the 2022 International Day for Biological Diversity is “Building a shared future for all life”.

“This symbolic but powerful message should encourage us to change our lifestyles and diets starting from today,” Animal Friends Croatia concludes.

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