06/16/10 For the Mandatory Microchipping of Dogs

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June 16, 2010

Dear Sir or Madam:

We would like to inform you that new Regulations on marking of dogs have come out and together with that the provision of mandatory microchipping of all dogs regardless of age. We ask that you, for the general wefare, enable public calling to all citizens and veterinary services to immediately start with microchipping of all dogs so that no later than June 13, 2011 all dogs in Croatia are marked with a microchip.

This is the result of a long campaign that we have lead and we have also informed you of its progress. Now it is extremely important that the Regulations as soon as possible be put into effect and that all dogs become microchipped for the welfare of your community and the protection of animals. Therefore, we invite you to actively participate in the implementation of the Regulations so that the guardians of dogs, by mandatory microchipping are encouraged to responsible adoption and treatment of animals. That is of great benefit to the whole community because of reduction of disposal costs of abandoned animals.

Marking of all dogs by microchip will represent a significant step in addressing the problem of abandoned animals and irresponsible dogs' guardians but that is just one of the steps that local communities should take up in order to properly and legally care for the abandoned animals. Animal Protection Act regulates specific obligations for all local communities which include animal shelters, insured veterinary care, information center, educational, adoption and spaying/neutering programs, etc.

On October 23, 2010 Animal Friends organizes the eighth meeting of the Network Against Animal Abandoning which gathers over 50 organizations, individuals and professionals and is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development as well as by international organizations. The meeting will primarily discuss legal obligations and construction of shelters for animals and proper care for abandoned animals from the local community and together with that concrete information and experiences will be exchanged and advice and solutions will be offered.

We now use the opportunity to invite you and your employees to participate at the meeting, so that your community fully meet the requirements prescribed by the Animal Protection Act and work for the abandoned animals to the current practice of european states and cities and in accordance with the appropriate principles of animal protection in 21st century.

The eighth meeting will be held in collaboration with the Shelter for Abandoned Animals of the City of Zagreb considering the fact that the city of Zagreb has made the most in respecting the legal provisions and the isssue of proper enforcement of animal protection, prevention and education.

Therefore, we can offer organization of individual visits to the shelter, presentation of the project of building shelters and its proper functioning; along with that we offer to explain the importance of preventive programs such as educational programs and programs of castration. Feel free to contact us to confirm your attendance at the meeting and to request scheduling of your individual visit to the shelter or just contact us for any other additional information.

This year again we can offer you a free transfer visuals of our successful campain 'Family to the Seaside, Dog to the Street?' with bilboards or other advertising methods. The campain is on a national level. We are working in collaboration with celebreties, professional photographers, stylists and designers. Through this campain we have been drawing attention for years to abandonment of dogs and legal punishment for abandoning animals.

We hope that you get involved in our campain and also get in touch with us regarding above mentioned tenders for response and cooperation.


Luka Oman
President of Animal Friends Croatia

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