The 6th ZeGeVege Festival - Croatian Veganmania
You are invited to Veganmania in Croatia - the 6th ZeGeVege Festival of Sustainable Living!
Zagreb - Trg bana Jelacica - Sept 6-7, 2013!
More than 30,000 visitors, 24 performers and 60 exhibitors at last year's ZeGeVege Festival are guaranteed to be here again and are reasons why you should visit and participate in the 6th ZeGeVege Festival.
Do not forget: Friday, Sept 6, 2013 (from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) and Saturday, Sept 7, 2013 (from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) are days when you must be in Zagreb because it's time for another Veganmania!
If you are an exhibitor of health food, ecological and sustainable products, or cosmetics which is not tested on animals, join us at the ZeGeVege Festival.
If you are musicians supporting sustainable living and animal protection and rights, join us at the ZeGeVege Festival.
If you are part of the media that wants to report on nice news and positive events instead of being a black chronicle, then become a sponsor of the ZeGeVege Festival.
This year we also guarantee fun for everyone and two-day long socializing with numerous exhibitors and performers from Croatia and abroad at 60 stalls and during the 20-hour long music and stage program.
After Linz, Graz, Winterthur, Munich, Vienna, Klangenfurt, Iserlohn and Innsbruck the time has come for the September Veganmania in Zagreb!
Please send your applications with the subject "ZeGeVege Festival" to our e-mail
- Vegetarian Club Vegehop
- Clavis Consultor
- Nextbike - Bike Sharing System
- OPG Jakopovic
- dm-drogerie markt
- AWT International
- Spar Hrvatska
- Vegetarijana Plus
- OPG Pereglin Tomislav
- Bike Box store
- Sindikat biciklista
- Rumena
- Slovenian Vegan Society
- Hair Studio Beatuy & the Beast
- Makam Naturkost
- Green Point
- Art of Raw
- Konoplja & Co.
- Vegetariana
- Postira poljoprivredna zadruga
- Association Mrkvica - TarraLand rabbit and hare Sanctuary, Shelter & Rescue
- OPG Andreja Petrovic
- Udruga za miroljubivu zemljoradnju Obzor
- Rozic
- Larimar Essentia
- Sakti Ko
- Advent
- OPG Branko Cegec
- Zelena prica
- BRUNA natürlich Eis
- Bio-zrno
- Nutrisun - Marigt Payrhuber
- OPG Vladimir Sinko
- Melvita
- OPG Ira Branilovic
- Ulola
- Annapurna
- OPG Anto Juric
- OPG Veselic
- Omegol
- Green Action (Zelena akcija)
- Planetopija
- Roditelji u akciji – RODA
- Garden
- Eko OPG Hujic
- OPG Roland Bakal
- Repro Eko
- Bioherba
- OPG Marija Mudric
- OM Yoga
- OPG Oreskovic
- Association Vestigium
- Vitamix
- Jadranka Ocvirek/Centar za Vedske studije
- bio&bio trgovine ekoproizvoda
- SMID - Mirjana Strancaric
- Encian (Alpro)
- Social Cooperative Humana Nova
- Zlata Nanic
- Association Voice of Animals (Glas zivotinja)
- International Gabriele Foundation
- Sapunoteka
- Dvostruka duga
- Association Victories (Udruga Pobjede)
- OPG Zeljko Ilicic
- Zmajevna
- Drveni kutak
- Zagreb Shelter for Abandoned Animals
- Biodar
- Bormax
- Obrt za eko igracke
- Ami food for cats and dogs
- K naravi Milena Trefalt s.p.
- OPG Cizmek Ljubica
- Klub Dobre Vibracije
- Kandzija
- Kristijan & Ana
- Kill In Manjaro
- Bojan Jambrosic
- Megablast
- Dance group Balcin
- Children's choir of the association Love at Work
- K'erd
- Filip Fantoni
- Back To Swing
- Dino Jelusic
- Circus performers and acrobats from Triko association
- Radio Luksemburg
- Dance club Scorpio
- United Colors of Tartan
- Baby Blue
- Picksiebner
- Auguste
- Band Kom3dija
- Juraj Jurlina & Off Duty
- Carla Belovari
- School for Oriental Belly Dance Zuzana
- Nexus
- Zumba Fitness with Jelena Diklic
- Sheherezade
- Atomic Dance Factory
- Teen Group Genijalci
- Children's Choir Kikici
- Seven Mouldy Figs
Media Sponsors
- Croatia Week
- Zdrava Televizija & TV Studio 7 Slovenia
- Zdrava krava
- Zagreb Centar
- Radio Student
- Poljoprivredna TV
- Ljepota&Zdravlje Hrvatska
- Radio Plus - Totalni FM Osijek
- Vocko
- Ozujsko Cool
- Eko Vrelo
- Europlakat
- Arto
- Print Grupa
- Vegehop
- The Vegan Society
- Iskon
- Zale
- FARM - Farm Animal Rights Movement
Supported by
- Ministry of Agriculture
- City Office for Agriculture and Forestry
- City Office for Health and Veterans
- City Office for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
- The Zagreb Tourist Board
Friends of the Festival
- DJ Academy
- Inki Dinki
- Chillout Hostel Zagreb
- Nova glazbala
- Caffe Bar Donna