12 Reasons for Veganism
There are several reasons to make switching to a vegan diet your New Year's resolution.
There are many reasons for veganism. Now, as we are approaching a new year and many of us are thinking about New Year's resolutions, it is easy to mention a few of them.
- Help the planet – We do not want to scare you, but consuming animals and animal based foods contributes to pollution, depletion of soil, deforestation, global warming and water shortage.
- Help animals – If you stop consuming animals and, even better, other animal based foods, you are helping to stop the immense cruelty and injustice toward animals.
- Help yourself – If your diet is plant based, it is the best way to ensure a long and active life for yourself and your family!
- Support the movement – Together we can make a change for the well-being of all!
- Improve digestion – Milk and dairy are sticky. With a plant based diet, digestion problems, as well as many others, will disappear.
- Cleanse yourself – Return to a proper diet (legumes, grains, fruits and vegetables) will cleanse your body and your vitality will increase.
- Have a good figure – A healthy vegan diet will help you lose weight or maintain it.
- Recharge yourself – Without animal protein and fat, and with healthy plant based foods you will be full of energy and nothing will seem unattainable.
- Join others – Every day there are more and more vegetarians and vegans, many celebrities are among them, and throughout history many have been proud to be vegetarians.
- Be responsible – Breeding animals irreversibly uses up vast amounts of natural resources, which is disastrous for the environment, but also directly influences world hunger.
- Creativity in the kitchen – With your new vegan diet you will have an abundance of new challenges! You will taste some incredible dishes you never knew existed.
- Be modern – We live in the 21st century, and our diet should evolve accordingly.