05/24/02 Informing Drugstore Clerks

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The action of informing drugstore clerks about the tests on animals

Because of a great interest of the public regarding the issue of testing the cosmetic products and cleaning agents on animals, the activists of Animal Friends decided to inform the drugstore clerks and employees of other stores selling cosmetic products and cleaning agents about that.

A strong plea will be made to the Zagreb perfume shops to join this non-profit campaign so as to inform their buyers about the products that were not tested on animals, as well as to mark and point out the products of ethical companies that don't test their products on animals and that are constantly being dwarfed by companies that don't want to bear full responsibility for the quality of their products, thereby inflicting horrible pain upon the animals.

The activists of Animal Friends from Dubrovnik, Split and Rijeka will also joint the action by taking it in their own towns.

This action is a part of the campaign that started on World Laboratory Animals Protection Day by putting up jumbo posters in Zagreb and Split that are advising the Croatian consumers to buy cleaning agents and cosmetics that were not tested on animals.

Some famous persons also joined the campaign, like Andja Maric, Tanja Tusek, Marija Strajh, Sanja Plepelic, Blazenka Leib, and Jasmina Hdagha, who are supporting the campaign on the posters and through the media.

In addition to posters, the campaign was also reported about in magazines and several daily newspapers, as well as on the television. The movie entitled "Lethal Medicine" was also shown, which explains clearly and from the scientific point of view why the experiments on animals are inefficient and scientifically unacceptable, and shows the horrible suffering of the animals.

Every year, around 35.000 animals in Europe and millions of animals all over the world are exposed to intense suffering because of the disputable testing of cosmetic products and their ingredients. Rabbits, guinea-pigs, rats and other small animals are used for testing the dependability of products; they are poisoned by cosmetics and cleaning agents... The most frequent reactions are twitching, vomiting, paralysis and various types of bleeding - from the nose, eyes and oral cavity. The wounds are horrible and the pain is unbearable.

Animal Friends wants to bring Croatia closer to the countries like Denmark and Sweden, in which the sale of cosmetics containing the ingredients tested on animals is forbidden, i.e. to the European Union that plans to do the same.

All additional information can be obtained on our website www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr and the number 060 131 131, as well as at the information stand that will be placed on Starcevic Square on Saturday, May 25, at 12 noon.



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