04/24/22 Sign the petition and mark World Day For Laboratory Animals

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Help millions of animals suffering in experiments

- Despite the ban, animals are blinded, burned, tortured, and killed in laboratories across the EU

World Laboratory Animals Protection Day is marked on April 24th to draw attention to millions of animals who are harmed for unnecessary but extremely cruel and painful experiments.

„While testing various chemicals, animals are subjected to surgical mutilations and blindness. Animals are set on fire, drowned, starved, mentally tortured, and are injected deadly viruses although that kind of research does not provide credible results applicable to humans. “– Animal Friends Croatia emphasizes. „Everyone can help end the suffering of millions of mice, fish, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, and dogs by signing the European citizens' initiative Save Cruelty-Free Cosmetics.

Laboratory animals can be helped directly by buying products from Cruelty – Free Companies added Animal Friends Croatia appalled by the fact that more than a million animal experiments are performed in the EU each year.

Signatories of this citizens' initiative are directly addressing the European authorities that still demand animal tests on ingredients used in cosmetics – even those that have been declared safe for years.

The reason for this injustice is the EU test requirements – including requirements set out in REACH which concerns the registration, evaluation, and authorization of chemicals. REACH regulation directly undermines the Cosmetics Regulation which banned animal testing nine years ago.

This major European initiative that aims to collect one million signatures by August 2022 is backed by former Beatles legend sir Paul McCartney and Finnish band Lordi who won the European Song Contest in 2006. Paul McCartney pointed out that „No animal should suffer for beauty. So, if you are an EU citizen sign the European citizens' initiative to save animal testing ban. Petition signing takes only a minute and it will help save lives. “

Lordi band members stressed that saving this regulation is important to every one of us: „Animal lives are worth more than lipstick or shampoo bottle and only real monsters think differently. If you are an EU citizen join us and sign the European citizens' initiative.“

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