06/17/22 Alarming situation with dogs in Dubrovnik

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According to the new decision of the State Inspectorate, all dogs from ®arkovica must be adopted urgently

- The deadline for adoption is only 15 days, all dogs are listed and published on www.adopt-zarkovica.eu

The situation in Dubrovnik regarding dogs in ®arkovica is alarming. The State Inspectorate has issued a decision requiring all dogs to be adopted within 15 days. This is an extremely short deadline for this many dogs to be adopted, so everyone who can help is very much welcomed. You can help by adopting, providing a temporary or permanent home and/or sharing information about the dogs that need to be adopted. All dogs are listed on www.adopt-zarkovica.eu.

To recap, immediately after the first decision by Veterinary Inspection, organizations Animal Friends Croatia, Victorious (Udruga Pobjede) from Osijek and shelter Friends from Èakovec established a contact and cooperation with the City of Dubrovnik and presented a plan to help dogs that required urgent arrangements and prompt action to get all dogs ready for adoption.

Volunteers of Victorious (Udruga Pobjede) from Osijek went to Dubrovnik and, with the logistical help of colleagues from Èakovec and Zagreb, listed all the dogs and performed all the necessary tests and treatments. The dogs were listed, photographed and published with all their information and description on the website www.adopt-zarkovica.eu as well on the Facebook page Adopt Zarkovica Dogs and Instagram page AdoptZarkovica.

Now, situation has become even more alarming because, according to the new decision of the State Inspectorate, all dogs needs to be adopted urgently and there are a lot of them. The panic, albeit understandable and justified, can be reduced by contacting those interested in foster care and spreading the news about the situation.

There are currently no available places for dogs in shelters in Croatia, and this is not a good solution for dogs, so you can help with temporary accommodation or providing a temporary home. Many dogs seek care and are under therapies which they need to take until their recovery. These dogs need peace and security at someone’s warm home.

Volunteering is also needed until all the dogs are adopted, but given the urgency of the situation, the current motto is: Let's save the dogs, there is very little time!

All information about dogs on www.adopt-zarkovica.eu is also available in English.

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