09/09/04 Blood Drive

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Animal Friends appeals to citizens to join a Blood Drive: Vegetarians call for a blood donation!

Animal Friends together with the Croatian Institute for Transfusion Medicine appeal to the citizens to meet the increased need for blood in this time of blood deficit, and to join the Blood Drive in greatest number possible.

Members of Animal Friends, who are vegetarians and consequently in good health, will also join this humanitarian campaign.

Participating in this campaign they call for all vegetarians, all animal friends and other citizens to join them.

All who are interested can come on Thursday, September 9, 2004, from 5 to 7 P.M. to the Croatian Institute for Transfusion Medicine in Petrova ulica 3, to give blood.

Except a professional and kind treatment by the Institute staff, every blood donor will get a tasty vegetarian meal.

Scientific studies have shown the connection between a diet rich in meat and foods that come from animals and an increased risk of heart diseases (which are the cause of death for the majority of people in developed countries), brain stroke, diabetes, various forms of cancer (breast cancer, gullet, stomach and colon cancer, etc.). Besides the prevention of the said diseases, vegetarian diet can reduce the possibility of kidney stone and gallstone, and, on the average, people who don't consume meat live much longer. Scientific research has also shown that people who don't eat meat averagely have more than 20% less need for medical treatment and thereby they reduce the costs of health care for billions of kunas per year.

We appeal to the citizens to think about their health and switch to a healthy vegetarian diet. In doing so, their health will benefit, they won't get sick as often and won't burden a health care system as much, which will also reduce a need for blood. At the same time they'll be healthier donors of this precious liquid, which is always in short supply.

So, let's all go to Petrova 3!



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