02/25/06 Choose Compassion to Protect Your Health

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Animal Friends calls citizens to fight back Mad Cow Disease, bird flu, trichinelosis, and salmonella, and to choose compassion to protect your health

Many infectious diseases, as well as heart and coronary system illnesses are directly linked to meat based diet. If we reconsider our diet and switch to the one which includes compassion to animals, we would protect our own health and the health of our children.

Considering that we are in the middle of the carnival time, Animal Friends will hand out free vegan donuts.

On Saturday, February 25, 2006, at noon, on our info stand located at Cvjetni trg passers-by will get free donuts and information about Mad Cow Disease, bird flu, other infectious diseases and about vegetarian diet as a good choice for the animals, environment and health.

Activists will be wearing chicken masks and symbolically show that we don't have to be scared of the chickens and other birds, but of our own stomachs and consequences of eating meat and all other animal products.

If we choose our diet on the basis of compassion for all living beings we do a great thing for our health, we prevent a great deal of unnecessary exploitation of natural resources and ensure better future for us and for our children. After scandalous discovering of rat meat within meat delicacies in Germany and after revealing of many illegal activities of meat-mafia in Croatia, people shouldn't choose among sorts of the meat they eat, but they should stop eating all meat as the safest way of protection from diseases.

Today factory farming slaughters over 50 billion animals per year. All these animals are killed for human consumption and they lived their miserable lives turned into biological machines what in the end resulted with many infectious diseases which can easily grow to lethal pandemic.

We invite all reporters to come and see the documentary film "Our Daily Bread" ("Unser täglich Brot") directed by Nikolaus Geyrhalter, so they could understand our point better. The film doesn't impose any comments, there is no voice of the narrator, but it silently shows the secret world of food processing industry.

The film projection, as a part of Zagreb Dox Festival, will take place in Tuskanac theatre (Tuskanac 1, Zagreb) at noon, on February 24, 2006.

On last year Festival of Documentary Films in Amsterdam (IDFA), this film won the special award of the Commission which commented their decision: "We believe this film should be highlighted. It clearly shows us the scenes of nightmare situation. It is true vision of hell. Not the religious one, but the one made by politics, market and food industry. It didn't tell us what to think, but it gave us a plenty to think over. This is really a great and important film."

"It is irrelevant if the company showed in the film is in Austria, Spain or Portugal. It is irrelevant how many pigs are slaughtered in the slaughterhouses showed in the film; the reporters should investigate that, not the film. The film gives you the opportunity to see scenes from food processing industry and to think about them," says the author of the film.

Choose Compassion to Protect Your Health 1Choose Compassion to Protect Your Health 2Choose Compassion to Protect Your Health 3

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