07/18/08 Open Doors at Dumovec Shelter

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The City Department for Agriculture and Forestry of the City of Zagreb, Zagreb Association of Animal Welfare Organizations - SUZA, and Animal Friends invite citizens to visit the Shelter for Abandoned Animals in Dumovec

With the purpose of encouraging citizens to adopt abandoned animals and to visit the Shelter for Abandoned Animals of the City of Zagreb in Dumovec, the City Department for Agriculture and Forestry of the City of Zagreb in cooperation with Animal Friends and the Association of Animal Welfare Organizations - SUZA organize the event the Shelter for Abandoned Animals Open Doors Day.

There will be info stalls set up on Friday, July 18, 2008, in the period from 9 A.M. until 1 P.M. in Varsavska ulica by Petar Preradovic Square, where visitors can get information about abandoned animals from the Dumovec shelter, reasons and ways to come to Dumovec.

At 12:30 P.M. Gala Svilan, who is this year's star of a campaign "Family to the Seaside, Dog in the Street?," will hand out postcards and free tickets for public transportation to get to the Shelter for Abandoned Animals in Dumovec.

At 1:00 P.M. the event will be visited by the Zagreb mayor Mr. Milan Bandic who will talk to the media and urge people not to abandon their companion animals and to encourage them to adopt the abandoned ones.

Along with the info stalls, Ms. Tatjana Zajec who runs the Shelter, will present several dogs who are looking for new homes as do the over 150 of their fellows from the Shelter.

The adoption of abandoned animals during the summer is much harder. This is why it is important that everyone who has the required conditions and enough time to adopt an abandoned dog and in this way provide a home to at least one of them.

Animal Friends also asks people not to buy companion animals but to rather adopt abandoned dogs and cats, and to keep in mind that animals are not toys but living beings that need care and attention for a lifetime.

Everyone interested can come and visit the Shelter for Abandoned Animals in Dumovec every day from 10 A.m. to 12 noon, and from 3:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.

Shelter's open door 1 [ 1.35 Mb ]Shelter's open door 2 [ 1.42 Mb ]Shelter's open door 3 [ 1.32 Mb ]Shelter's open door 4 [ 1.10 Mb ]Shelter's open door 5 [ 1.44 Mb ]

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