07/18/08 Keep "the Drowner" Away From Animals

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Animal Friends demands that Zoran Tadic be banned from working with animal

- still no change three years after "the Beagle" affair

On July 21, 2005 the beagles were rescued from being experimented on at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb, which revealed many irregularities in the work of individuals and institutions. However, other than great bitterness and the passing of the Animal Protection Act, there have apparently been no changes.

The case of drowning exotic venomous snakes under assistant professor Tadic's responsibility in a toilet at the Faculty of Science in Zagreb, which, according to the Dean of the Faculty himself, does not even have the conditions to keep and breed snakes, only shows that in Croatia there has been no progress regarding the abuse of animals used in laboratory experiments away from the eyes of the public.

An ethics committee, defined by the Animal Protection Act, in power since January 1, 2007, has not been formed yet.

Animal abusers should be punished, and not rewarded. "Mistakes" must not be forgiven. In addition to being sanctioned, abusers should not be allowed to come into contact with animals again.

Croatia should constantly work on reducing animal experiments, it should not take over "dirty jobs" others do not want, and aim for complete termination of all animal experiments, which is a disgrace for humanity in the twenty-first century.

Animal Friends will report Zoran Tadic to the Veterinary Inspection and demands that assistant professor Tadic be sanctioned, as well as all others who authorised this so-called "research" without necessary conditions. Animal Friends will also write a letter to the Faculty of Science, demanding an internal control and ethical reconsideration of using animals in the interest of the protection of animals, but also people and the Faculty's reputation.

On the anniversary of the action to save the beagles, Animal Friends will mark the Day of Fighting Animal Experiments with an action directed at termination of animal experiments. The media and the public will soon be notified of this action.

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