04/11/24 Everything is Ready for the March for Animals!

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On Saturday, April 13th, a grand procession known as the March for Animals will take place, carrying messages advocating for freedom and animal rights

- The 4th March for Animals will feature a 9-meter-long vegan flag and banners illustrating 35 reasons behind the march.

Every day, billions of animals endure immense pain and suffering, subjected to unimaginable injustices. Their cries often go unheard as people overlook their needs and disregard their right to a dignified life. Some individuals even shy away from confronting the harsh realities depicted in photos that reveal the harsh conditions animals face, exploited by various industries. Confined within crates for their entire lives, these animals lack the space to turn around or spread their wings. Shackled by chains, they are unable to flee from danger, with many only experiencing daylight for the first time during their journey to slaughterhouses.

Animals receive minimal protection from humans and are legally considered mere property, highlighting the urgent need for increased awareness and legal recognition of their rights. To address these issues, on April 13th, 2024, starting at 11 a.m., the energetic March for Animals will commence from King Tomislav Square in Zagreb. The march will progress through Zagreb's central streets, accompanied by banners and chants advocating for enhanced animal welfare and acknowledgment of their rights.

The procession, originating from King Tomislav Square, will traverse through notable areas such as Josip Juraj Strossmayer Park, Zrinjevac, Teslina, Masarykova, and Frankopanska streets, Ilica, and Ban Jelačić Square, where a brief stop will be made for a speech. At 12 p.m., motivational speeches by Ivana Crnoja from the Victory Association and Luka Oman, Nikolina Plenar, and Dominica Firšt from Animal Friends will inspire the gathered crowd. Additionally, actor Zvonko Novosel will recite the moving poem "About Love for Animals" by author Ana Horvat.

Following the Square gathering and a concise program, the march will proceed down Praška Street toward Zrinjevac Park, where an afterparty awaits. Featuring music and complimentary pea stew provided by Animal Friends Croatia, participants can exchange thoughts and enjoy quality social time.

In anticipation of the march, Animal Friends Croatia has compiled 35 reasons—though there are more—why everyone should participate in the March for Animals on April 13, 2024. Some of these reasons include institutions consistently ignoring and protecting abusers, laws favoring them over animal welfare, destruction of 80% of the Adriatic Sea floor due to trawling with extended permits, and substantial city budget allocations to maintain zoos where animals cannot live naturally and fulfillingly.

"If you believe in animals' right to a life free from pain, suffering, humiliation, cages, fur and skin tearing, and daily terror, join us! Help create a country where animals are not abandoned, abused, tortured, or neglected but instead supported," emphasized Animal Friends Croatia, welcoming everyone to join the march.

March for Animals is organized by Animal Friends Croatia and the Victory Association with support from the Animal Protection Network and over 50 member organizations, both domestic and international. Notable supporters include PETA, GAIA, Uanimals, Vegan.at, Japan Anti-Vivisection Association (JAVA), Movimento Antispecista (Italy), Svoboda zvířat (Czech Republic), Panhellenic Equine Welfare Society (Greece), FARM, Animal Politics Foundation, "LORI," Rebellion for Survival, Animal Protection Association FENIX Labin, among others. Support has also been extended by Goran Višnjić, Marija Omaljev, Ribafish, Ana Horvat, Zvonko Novosel, Earthling Ed, and numerous others.

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