03/05/07 Confined Cats in Mareticeva Street

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Avenija Dubrovnik 12
10000 Zagreb

March 5, 2007

Subject: Demand for an urgent intervention according to the Animal Protection Act

Dear Sirs,

We are writing to you on behalf of the cats confined in the cellar of a building in Mareticeva ulica, which has remained unsolved to the disgrace of the Veterinary Inspection.

According to our information, the Veterinary Inspection has investigated the matter and established that the cats were confined in a cellar without the opportunity of leaving it without assistance, but no order has been issued to free them. Regardless of the circumstances and reasons for which the cats remained in the cellar and regardless of the building's ownership, nobody has the right to condemn the cats to die of hunger and thirst. The Animal Protection Act strictly forbids such acts, as well as the potential poisoning of cats!

It is intolerable that the Veterinary Inspection should fail to undertake legal measures and intervene promptly in order to protect these animals, who are completely blameless in this situation. The Veterinary Inspection must be able to make itself respected and obeyed in such issues. It should not fear to take the side of animals, since they are protected by the law, and it should be able to demonstrate and impose its authority to all those who violate that law and threaten to inflict harm upon animals.

Regarding the fact that the tenants of that building are now seriously threatening to prevent anyone from approaching that cellar and to leave the cats there to die of hunger and thirst or even poison them, we request that you should react immediately on the basis of the Animal Protection Act and issue an order that no harm be inflicted upon these cats and that they be liberated from their confinement.

We would appreciate if you could inform us promptly about the measures you have undertaken in this matter, as well as about other cases that we have reported so far in accordance with the Animal Protection Act, but received no answer from you.

We are of the opinion that the promulgation of the new Animal Protection Act should also mean changes in the attitude of the veterinary inspectors, who should act more decisively and authoritatively. Otherwise, people will ignore both the law and the Veterinary Inspection and problems will only increase.

Since the old Animal Welfare Act was nothing more than a dead letter, which is attested by the fact that only few warrants for criminal procedures have ever been issued, we hope that in the future the Veterinary Inspection will be transformed into an institution that will efficiently control and enforce the new law in order to protect animals.

We hope that you will understand that changes are inevitable and accept our proposal for cooperation.

Best regards,

Luka Oman
Animal Friends

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