Lectures and Workshops

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Lectures and workshops program for 7th ZeGeVege Festival of Sustainable Living

ZeGeVege Festival offers additional programs again this year, comprising of cooking workshops and food preparation, expert advice, short lectures, practical workshops, screenings of feature-length and short films and similar educational events.

The program will take place continually during the ZeGeVege Festival that starts on Friday, September 5, 2014 (9 A.M. - 9 P.M.) and finishes on Saturday, September 6, 2014 (9 A.M. - 7 P.M.) in a tent placed on the west side of Trg bana Jelacica in Zagreb (between Splavnica and Radiceva ulica). In between lectures and workshops there will be screenings of short films about animal rights and sustainable living.

Friday, September 5, 2014

9 A.M. Screening - "The best lecture you will ever hear"
10 A.M. Lidija Jerkovic - Homemade plant-based toothpaste (workshop)
11 A.M. Ivan Zokovic - "Do it yourself" energy
12 noon bio&bio eco shop - Superfood (workshop)
1 P.M. Tatjana Zajec - sport and vegan diet
2 P.M. Nikolina Plenar - Caponata: Mediterranean dish with tomatoes and aubergines (workshop)
3 P.M. Cvijeta Biscevic - Composting at home (workshop)
4 P.M. Doc. dr. sc. Dubravka Novotni - Veganism: a recipe for longevity
5 P.M. Ana Janjatovic Zorica - Importance of an organic and wholesome plant-based diet
6 P.M. Dunja Gulin - Fermented - for strong immune system and better digestion (workshop)
7 P.M. Gordana Dragicevic - Permaculture and sustainable society
8 P.M. Dragan Surlan - Healthy. Fit. Vegan.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

9 A.M. Screening - "Incredible story about milk"
10 A.M. Moris Hoblaj - Peaceful farming - future for life
11 A.M. Ivana Simic, Phd. nutritionist - Balanced vegan diet
12 noon Mihaela Devescovi - Raw pasta Mediterranean style (workshop)
1 P.M. Irena Miksic - Making tofu (workshop)
2 P.M. Nikolina Plenar - Lentil steaks (workshop)
3 P.M. bio&bio eco shop - All you wanted to know about grains
4 P.M. Gordana Dragicevic - Wild edible plants (workshop)
5 P.M. Association Victories - Sustainability through a dog's perspective
6 P.M. Vedran Romac - A tale of a happy cow and a jolly calf

Children's workshops in Children's corner

10-11 A.M. Vestigium - With a book around the world - animals - story telling and creative workshop
11 A.M.-12.00 noon Crafts for eco toys - eco toys workshop for children
1-2 P.M. Davorin Balon (Zagreb drummers) - drumming workshop

Events at an open tent in front of the stage

Friday, September 5, 2014

beauty & the beast - Hairdo (throughout the entire festival)
9 A.M.-4 P.M. OPG Branilovic – Presentation of plant anatomical pillows
5-8 P.M. Nives Spajic – Make up with alverde products

Saturday, September 6, 2014

beauty & the beast - Hairdo (throughout the entire festival)
9 A.M.-4 P.M. OPG Branilovic – Presentation of plant anatomical pillows (workshop at 2 P.M.)
5-7 P.M. Nives Spajic – Make up with alverde products


Screening - "The best lecture you will ever hear"
This interesting and dynamic lecture that encourages changes has been heard by tens of thousands of people over the internet, as well as students and pupils in high schools and universities.

Lidija Jerkovic - Homemade plant-based toothpaste (workshop)
Practical workshop where visitors can see how to make a homemade, vegan toothpaste out of green clay, neem powder, glycerol and essential oils of sage and sweet orange.

Ivan Zokovic (Parkticipacija & ZMAG) - "Do it yourself" energy
Ivan Zokovic’s mission is to make the benefits of the 21st century available to everyone by presenting some technical solutions and encouraging people to use them. The lecture will encompass practical examples of simpler technical solutions that make everyday activities more sustainable and acceptable for the environment, such as: solar panels, high-efficiency biomass furnaces, production of bio-gas out of kitchen waste, solar cookers, bio-diesel out of waste edible oil, and solar ovens.

bio&bio eco shops - Superfood (workshop)
Over the last few years in diet trends, a special category of ingredients stood out called "superfood". They are ingredients that are extremely rich in valuable phytonutrients, such as well know traditional ingredients like pomegranate, berries and nuts, as well as alga, but also new "stars" such as maca powder, acai berries, goji berries, chia seeds, hemp oil, coconut and flaxseed oil, ancient grains quinoa and amaranth or cacao beans. Nutritionist Phd. Jasmina Vrbanec, with help from Danko Stancina, will show you at the workshop show you how to quickly and practically make "superfood" and enrich your diet.

Tatjana Zajec - Sport and vegan diet
Tatjana Zajec, dr. med. vet, not only helps abandoned and sick animals but also combines sport and diet in an interesting way. During several years as a vegetarian, and then changing over to vegan diet, she learned how to best combine her great love, hiking, with the challenges of sticking to a vegan diet in unusual places and corners of the world.

Nikolina Plenar - Caponata: Mediterranean dish with tomatoes and aubergines (workshop)
At this cooking workshop everyone will be able to see how simple and delicious vegan cooking is, by observing the making of caponata, a refreshing traditional Sicilian vegetable dish.

Cvijeta Biscevic (Parkticipacija & ZMAG) - Composting at home
This is a workshop about composting as the most effective solution when it comes to depositing organic waste. In urban conditions space is often a limiting factor when working out solutions for depositing bio-waste. However, apart from the garden, we can compost on our balcony, terrace and even in our apartment! Bio-waste is not rubbish, and there is never enough compost.

Doc. dr. sc. Dubravka Novotni - Veganism: a recipe for longevity
Our diet is closely connected to preserving our health. It is known that plant-based foods protect against many chronic degenerative diseases. Find out from doc. dr. sc. Dubravka Novotni how to maximise the potential of a balanced vegan diet for achieving longevity.

Ana Janjatovic Zorica, cooking teacher in Makronova - Importance of an organic and wholesome plant-based diet
Our choice of food is a vital element that affects our body (and spirit), even though it is often an unconscious part of our daily life. Becoming aware of food quality and the importance of quality selection is highly beneficial to us and our community. Find out why it's good to use organic and wholesome ingredients and how to put them together to make balanced vegan meals.

Dunja Gulin - Fermented - for strong immune system and better digestion (workshop)
Did you know that intestinal microflora keeps our body balanced and that about 80% of our immune system is located in our digestive tract? Therefore, for optimal health, a good digestion is essential in addition to eating ingredients rich in good bacteria. Fermented meals and drinks are exactly that - our helpers in building a resistant immune system and good digestion. Dunja Gulin will show how to make champagne out of green tea, kimchi (spicy pickled vegetable) and fermented spread during her workshop.

Gordana Dragicevic (Parkticipacija & ZMAG) - Permaculture and sustainable society
How do you grow your own food and organise a community in harmony with nature and quality interpersonal relationships, with minimal cost in energy, time, and money, and without creating rubbish? Gordana Dragicevic, permaculture designer and activist, will show that permaculture is, as a design for practical sustainability, a lot more than vertical gardens, houses made out of straw and green roofs. She will show how to develop a sustainable society and sustainable (permanent!) culture.

Dragan Surlan - Healthy. Fit. Vegan.
Psychologist and fitness coach Dragan Surlan will talk about how it is possible to exercise normally and be fit - with a plant-based diet.


Screening - "Incredible story about milk"
Dr Walter J Veigh reveals the myths about milk and gives answers to questions such as why consuming animal milk is unnatural, unhealthy and unnecessary, and connected with great cruelty.

Moris Hoblaj - Peaceful farming - future for life
Moris Hoblaj has been a producer of agricultural products and ingredients from peaceful farming for many years. Peaceful farming is a way of managing nature. This is farming where not one, even the smallest, air or land animal is endangered. Indeed, with peaceful farming, nature and animals have their own habitats and plenty of food, and people receive plenty of healthy and quality fruits.

Ivana Simic, nutrition Phd. - Balanced vegan diet
Do you know what it takes for your vegan diet to be balanced? The key is to be aware of your nutrient needs and adjust your diet according to them. Nutritionist Phd. Ivana Simic will present plenty of useful information for all those who want to know what makes up a good balanced vegan diet and how to apply this in one’s everyday life. Find the best vegan combinations for your health!

Mihaela Devescovi - Raw pasta Mediterranean style (workshop)
Learn to prepare food without heat and gluten, that is full of vitamins and enzymes, and whose preparation is quick and simple. Raw food will give your body energy, clear your mind and fill your spirit with enthusiasm and strength. It will stop premature aging and help repel disease. Mihaela Devescovi, presenter of a series of raw food workshops throughout Croatia, eats exclusively raw food, mainly fruit, vegetables and nuts, and she will show us how to make a simple dish out of raw ingredients.

Irena Miksic - Making tofu (workshop)
Teacher Irena Miksic has not eaten meat since childhood, and at her tofu making workshop attendees will receive information about tofu as an ingredient, the nutritional values of tofu, its origin, ways of preparation (recipes and the like) and, most importantly, they will be able to see the production process in phases: from soya to tofu.

Nikolina Plenar - Lentil steaks (workshop)
For those who don't know how to make steaks out of pulses and vegetables, this is an ideal opportunity to get to know how to prepare this succulent and delicious meal.

bio&bio eco stores - All you wanted to know about grains
Grains have been a part of the human diet for millennia. Unlike contemporary humans, our ancestors used exclusively whole grains. With time, but also with the development of industry, whole grains have been replaced by refined grains which, due to the processing procedure, lost many of their valuable properties. Nutritionist Phd. Jasmina Vrbanec will present an overview of some of the most important whole grains that should be found on every person's menu because they have an extremely positive effect on human health.

Gordana Dragicevic (Parkticipacija & ZMAG) - Wild edible plants
Wild plants are very often edible and have healing properties. If you had enough of the "plastic" vegetables and fruit from the supermarket, you will probably find it interesting that nature around us, even near the city, offers dozens of kinds of healthy and free plant foods. Gordana Dragicevic, permaculture designer and activist will show that when we learn to observe the world of plants under our feet, we will never look at weeds in the same way again.

Association Victories - Sustainability through dog's perspective
Men and women activists from Association Victories from Osijek share their experience in the field of animal rights through their work with abandoned dogs and cats. Come and listen to their stories and find out what the dogs from the shelter have offered them as a pledge for a better tomorrow.

Vedran Romac - A tale of a happy cow and a jolly calf
The dairy industry and its products are surrounded by an incredible veil of innocence, and their marketing relies on developing a deep subconscious and conscious connection between milk and dairy products and terms like "family," "family health," "health of a child," "development of a child" and the like. Find out what is hidden in the background of idyllic pictures of serene and happy cows on green pastures, where their children – calves - are there too, and how strong and influential the picture is that they willingly share the liquid produced by their bodies with humans.

Short films screening

Selection of short documentary films about veganism, health and animal rights.

Workshops for children at the Children's Corner (Saturday, September 6):

Vestigium - Travelling around the World with a Book - Animals - Storytelling and Creative workshop
A storytelling workshop has been organized at the Children’s Corner by the Vestigium association. Through various stories, children will get acquainted with animal species from all over the world. In addition to the stories, children will have the opportunity to exercise creative expression in the form of a practical workshop.

Making Eco-Toys - Workshop for Producing Ecological Toys
For all those who are interested in the process of producing interesting wooden toys for children, Making Eco Toys will demonstrate this process at the ZeGeVege Festival. The workshop is intended for children and adults alike.

Davorin Balon (Zagreb's Drummers) - Drumming Workshop
Davorin Balon (Zagreb's Drummers) will lead a drumming workshop where children will get acquainted with the percussion instrument as well as with the basics of music theory and playing. Balon will also answer questions from visitors. Children will have the opportunity to practice drumming and so their parents should not forget their cameras at home.

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