12/06/07 For the Proclamation of a Permanent Dolphin Reservation

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Ministry of Culture
Nature Protection Directorate
Mr. Zoran Sikic
Savska cesta 41
10000 Zagreb

Subject: Request for proclamation of the dolphin reservation near Mali Losinj as permanent

Dear Mr. Sikic,

Based on our previous requests for the ban on dolphin captivity and exploitation of dolphins for any purposes in the Republic of Croatia, we are contacting you once again regarding the issue of the dolphin reservation near the island Mali Losinj.

We are aware that this dolphin reservation on July 26, 2006 was proclaimed by the Nature Protection Directorate for a period of three years. But we would herewith like to ask you to proclaim it a permanent dolphin reservation. We are aware of the long term impact such decision would have on Croatia, local communities and for all other countries in the Mediterranean area. We believe this legal regulation has great importance for the Republic of Croatia.

Moreover, in the long term the dolphin reservation near Mali Losinj could have a significant impact on Croatian economic interests because it would without any doubt contribute to the protection of the reservation area and thus help in development of local tourism. "Dolphin watching" is more and more popular among the great number of tourists who are attracted not only by the beauty of the nature and Croatian heritage, but also by care of the Croatian people for the protection of their sea, dolphins and other cetaceans.

This kind of decision will be received internationally as well as by the majority of the Croatian people who gladly accept proclaiming of such reservation as permanent and absolutely support conservation and protection of dolphins in the Adriatic Sea.

Accordingly, we ask you to proclaim the dolphin reservation near Mali Losinj a permanently protected area together with a ban on any exploit of natural resources in the protected area. We also ask you to, if possible, by the end of this year, implement the already publicly announced ban on dolphin captivity for any purposes in the Republic of Croatia.

Animal Friends, with the great support of the public, will continue running the campaign "Croatia – Dolphin Friendly Country" until the final enforcement of ban on dolphin captivity and until proclaiming the dolphin reservation near Mali Losinj as permanent, which is in the best interest of the protection of cetaceans in Croatia.

While expecting your positive response we fully support you in your striving for protection of dolphins and other cetaceans.

With kind regards,

Luka Oman

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