Letter for the Embassy of Sweden
Embassy of Sweden
Mr. Fredrik Vahlquist, Ambassador
Frankopanska 22
10000 Zagreb
August 13, 2010
Your Excellency,
As an animal rights and protection organization, we turn to you regarding the ban on breeding animals for fur in Sweden.
As we have, due to the persistent work, contributed to the ban of the breeding of animals for fur in Croatia, we would appreciate if you could dedicate a few moments of your precious time and read our application.
As you surely know, one of the main topics during the election campaign in Sweden is the ban on breeding of animals for fur. The reason for that are the shocking facts about the breeding of minks for fur in Sweden, which was investigated and uncovered by the Swedish Association for Animal Protection The Animal Rights Alliance. The images and photos from the fur farms show dead, sick and injured animals that show stereotypic behavior and cannibalism. Numerous minks have gaping wounds, rampant infections, missing ears or other body parts. Animals respond to stress and frustration due to the small cages by biting each other to death. Such keeping of animals is a severe violation of the Swedish Animal Welfare Act but, above all, a violation of ethical and civilizational principles of the 21st century. In addition to the terrible suffering of animals, it is documented that the fur farms are huge environmental pollutants. This footage caused outrage, not only by animal rights activists, but also with other citizens around the world.
In 2003, the Swedish National investigation commision gave a deadline until the year 2010 to improve the conditions on mink fur farms, in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act. The investigating committee concluded that if the fur farms fail to comply with the law, the breeding of minks for fur should be partially or completely banned. Investigation materials show that the minks on Swedish farms live in horrible conditions, worse than the previously recognized conditions. The results of these investigations could completely close the fur farms in Sweden.
Minks naturally spend more than half of their time in water; they would normally climb and run several kilometers every day. The Animal Welfare Act in Sweden states that all animals should be allowed to live according to their natural needs. The fur farms are a mockery of the law. With only a month left until the 2010 national election, many Swedes are eager to know if the Swedish political parties intend to respect the Animal Welfare Act and ban fur farming.
Countries like Croatia, Austria and Great Britain have already banned the breeding of animals for their fur and urged other European countries to join them in that ban. With this ban, Sweden would set a positive example for other countries and gain a reputation of a modern and advanced country that has much more to offer and doesn't have to gain profit on the breeding of animals for fur. We believe that you agree that in the 21st century the killing of animals for clothing and luxury has no justification.
We kindly ask you to use your influence and good will to protect the animals and stop their breeding for fur, with which most Swedes do not agree and consider it shameful for Sweden. In line with the excellent relations between Sweden and Croatia, we appeal that you take a stand for Sweden to follow Croatia and bring a civilized and advanced ban on the breeding of animals for fur, and thus become an ethical role model for a humane treatment of animals.
We thank you on behalf of the Croatian citizens and all individuals concerned for the animals of our planet and the future of the world as we know it.
Sincerely yours,
Luka Oman