01/02/17 Ban on farming chinchillas for fur!

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Historic moment: On January 1, 2017, Croatia celebrated entry into force of the fur farming ban

- To express gratitude, Animal Friends Croatia presents a cake to the Ministry of Agriculture

On January 1, Croatia finally celebrated the entry into force of a fur farming ban, adopted in 2006! For 10 drawn-out years of the phase-out period, tortured chinchillas and the majority of the public awaited the end of one of the cruelest practices to animals—the appalling raising and killing for the sake of fur.

The entry into force of the ban is the result of a long-lasting, dedicated, and persistent struggle of citizens, experts, institutions and animal protection organizations. Animal Friends will on their behalf deliver a cake to the Ministry of Agriculture. This is a symbolic gesture to thank the competent ministry for heeding the public outcry and celebrate the historic victory for animal rights in Croatia. A letter of thanks will be sent to Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović.

Most farmers of chinchillas, which are the only animals farmed for fur in Croatia, have ceased production in the years since the fur farming ban made it into the Animal Protection Act in 2006. But a scheming minority of farmers has continued to produce, aiming to bring down the ban. This summer, chinchilla farming lobby singlehandedly managed to force the adoption of a new Animal Protection Bill, which leans in their favor. However, citizens resolutely rose against abolishing the ban!

Still, a new public hearing on the proposal to extend the phase-out period for an additional year, under urgency, was opened last month. The indignant public again rejected the proposal, as it did 10 years ago, defending the ban which is to the honor of the entire Croatia.

Citizens, veterinarians, politicians, MEPs, public figures, civil society organizations, and institutions all agree on the ban. Ethical awareness of our citizens has overcome petty financial interests and placed Croatia on the map of civilized countries that respect public opinion and are adopting high ethical and environmental standards in the treatment of animals.

Animal Friends would like to thank everyone who helped bring about this great victory for animals and people. Together we will continue to spread awareness that, with all the warm materials available to us, we no longer need fur and the bloody industry that goes with it.

Victory for chincillas!

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