02/01/22 Pay for Spay campaign

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The Animal Protection Network is calling for humanitarian action for animals in the affected areas

- The free neutering campaign marches on and further fundraising in February.

Following the last year’s considerable interest in the free neutering campaign for dogs and cats in the earthquake-affected areas in Sisak-Moslavina County, Animal Protection Network, run by Animal Friends Croatia, urges both individuals and companies to join the “Pay for Spay” campaign during February 2022.

The aim is to double the generous donation by Astra Business Engineering and collect an additional 150,000 Kuna for neutering 1000 dogs and cats. You can donate to the account HR9524020061500072860 (Animal Friends Croatia, Animal Protection Network), the purpose of the payment: Dupli spas.

Thanks to donators, dog and cat guardians in the Banovina region can neuter their animals free of charge in veterinary hospitals in Glina, Petrinja, and Sisak. They can schedule a neutering appointment or apply to volunteer by calling 095 4 254 254 between 9 and 16. It should be emphasized that the offspring of 1000 cats and dogs can amount to up to additional 50,000 non-neutered animals per year. Our campaign, therefore, saves from suffering more than just the 1000 animals to be neutered.

In 2021, the free neutering campaign was conducted by the animal shelter Prijatelji (“Friends”) from Čakovec, with the help of other sister associations. Due to the overcapacity of the Prijatelji’s shelter and considerable interest in continuing the campaign, the Animal Protection Network of Animal Friends Croatia has taken over the campaign. “In the earthquake-affected areas, we witness a hellish scene. The number of abandoned animals is enormous. Many towns and municipalities don’t have contracts with animal shelters. The dogs are chained, and puppies are born in the mud without a roof over their heads. Neutering is the only way to reduce the number of suffering animals in that area. The Ministry of Agriculture is again blind to recognizing that neutering is the only way to reduce the number of abandoned animals. I, thus, urge all my colleagues from animal protection associations to join the campaign as well as all companies and citizens to donate so we could double our funds and save lives,” said the manager of the animal shelter Prijatelji from Čakovec, Aleksandra Hampamer.

On the site, we detected that the animals had been uncontrollably propagating before the earthquake since many stray kittens and puppies wandered the area. That's why Animal Friends Croatia sent a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture asking for the financing of neutering last year. After a year of negotiations, the Ministry still rejected our proposal, and the campaign continues only thanks to donors.

“We should not forget that help is still needed since many people and animals have gone through an ordeal. Although funding for such disasters should be provided from the state budget, animal protection associations and volunteers, despite having no legal obligations, cover much of the assistance. Donations by citizens and companies can save and significantly improve the lives of cats and dogs from this area,” stated the Animal Protection Network.

In females, sterilization prevents cancer of the mammary glands, uterus, and ovaries, as well as purulent inflammation of the uterus. It also prevents constant pregnancies and, therefore, birth and suffering of new unwanted puppies and kittens. In males, castration prevents cancer of the testicles and the occurrence of perianal fistulas, as well as reduces the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate inflammation. A neutered animal lives longer,” emphasized Animal Protection Network project coordinator, Svjetlana Prodanović, DVM.

She reveals that this year, the Animal Protection Network will emphasize the importance of sterilizing domestic and stray cats and dogs to prevent the uncontrolled reproduction and birth of newly abandoned animals. “Every donation counts, regardless of the amount,” concluded Animal Friends Croatia.

Translated by: Vedran Radolovic

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