03/07/02 Fur - Never Again!
Animal Friends is triggering a new campaign, this time regarding fur production in Croatia. The campaign is going to consist of several parts, starting on Thursday, March 7, 2002 with a performance by Robert Franciszty.
The purpose of the campaign is to join other West European countries that ban breeding of animals for fur, as well as catching wild fur bearing animals. At the beginning of the campaign we are going to file a request for the inspection of animal farms, that is fur bearing animal farms in Croatia, as well as the ways of killing of those animals.
The campaign starts this Thursday, March 7, and after the filing of the request on Monday, March 11, we continue the campaign with public presentation of films on fur bearing animals breeding on farms and their catching on Thursday, March 14.
The performance "Against corrections of skin and fur" by Robert Franciszty, starting on Thursday, March 7, 2002 at 4:30 P.M. in front of Well of Life at Marshal Tito Square, considers cruelty to animals bred in cages on farms, as well as hunting extermination of most fur bearing animal species in the nature as the cruellest examples of immoral attitude of man towards animals.
All around the world, fur bearing animal farms are being closed and there are more and more humane alternatives to cruel fashion. Burning of furs is today a normal everyday thing and it has come to Croatia as well. It is time for fur to be closed into a closet of the past!