03/22/16 Armani Stops Using Fur

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Animal Friends announces big news and celebrates a compassionate decision of an internationally renowned fashion brand

- After last year's announcement of Hugo Boss, the famous fashion brand responds to consumers' wishes for ethical fashion

The Fur Free Alliance and their member Animal Friends Croatia praise the renowned luxury brand Armani for its announcement to drop all real animal fur. With its decision, this Italian high-end brand responds to a growing consumer demand for ethical and sustainable fashion.

Armani will leave out all real fur, including rabbit fur, from its collection starting from the fall/winter season 2016. The brand committed to this policy after working with the Fur Free Alliance, an international coalition of over 40 animal protection organizations focused on ending the fur trade.

Giorgio Armani: "I am pleased to announce that the Armani Group has made a firm commitment to abolish the use of animal fur in its collections. Technological progress made over the years allows us to have valid alternatives at our disposition that render the use of cruel practices unnecessary as regards animals. Pursuing the positive process undertaken long ago, my company is now taking a major step ahead, reflecting our attention to the critical issues of protecting and caring for the environment and animals."

Most fur used in the fashion industry comes from fur farms, where wild animals are kept in small cages and killed by cruel methods that preserve the pelts—such as gassing and anal electrocution. On top of that, fur production has high environmental costs and health risks due to its chemical-heavy production process.

By committing to a fur-free policy, Armani joins other high-end brands—such as Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein and Stella McCartney—and acknowledges the ethical concerns of a new generation of fashion consumers.

Joh Vinding, Chairman of the Fur Free Alliance: "Armani's fur-free announcement makes it clear that designers and consumers can have creative freedom and luxury all without supporting animal cruelty. Mr. Armani has been a trendsetter in the fashion world for decades and this latest announcement is proof that compassion and innovation are the future of fashion."

Society's changed ethical perception of animals and the public's long-standing opposition to the fur industry have led various countries, including the UK, the Netherlands, Austria and Croatia, to ban fur farming.

Around the world—as debates on fur farming bans are becoming more and more widespread—governments that value animal welfare are increasingly recognizing the fact that fur holds no future.

Armani's compassionate decision will save thousands of animals from needless suffering and is celebrated by the Fur Free Alliance and millions of its supporters worldwide.

Some of Croatian fashion brands that are committed to the non-use of animal fur are: Boudoir, Hippy Garden, Image Haddad, I-GLE, Martin Felja and Fashion house MAK.

The petition for better Croatian Animal Protection Act can be signed here.

Armani stops using fur [ 247.75 Kb ]

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