06/04/24 Legal Expert: Exemptions are not Prescribed by Law, Log-pulling is Illegal!

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Animal Friends Croatia demands that the State Inspectorate and the Prime Minister end the horse abuse

- Instead of attending events involving horse torture, people could gather and have fun at horse exhibitions

Despite multiple complaints and a recent protest in front of the State Inspectorate building, another log-pulling contest was held last weekend at a local farm in Mužilovčica in Lonjsko polje. As well as the previous one held in Velika Gorica resulting in footage of violent horse whipping, this log-pulling contest was not free of incidents. Several members of the organizers verbally attacked a visitor who took photos at the event and overheard a conversation on how horses are “drugged” before the competition. Animal Friends Croatia stated it was incomprehensible how veterinary and market inspections can still turn a deaf ear to the numerous complaints lodged and warnings given on the illegal nature of log pulling during which, as well as prior to, horse welfare is severely endangered.

“The State Inspectorate continues to ignore all our well-grounded complaints and give consent for log-pulling contests. In view of this, we sent a letter to Chief State Inspector Andrija Mikulić pointing out that the law already bans the contests, and the State Inspectorate must put an end to using horses for the sake of twisted entertainment. Given that the State Inspectorate has not responded to our correspondence, we have been forced to address Prime Minister Plenković directly and demand help for horses abused in log-pulling contests,” stated Snježana Klopotan Kačavenda, Animal Friends Croatia Project Coordinator.

The claim supported by Croatian animal protection groups and over 80% of the Croatian public demanding a log-pulling ban, is also justified by Boris Bakota, Tenured Professor at the Osijek School of Law. He explained that the Animal Protection Act bans any use of ungulates for log pulling in forests and carrying fuel wood, except on extremely inaccessible terrain where this would otherwise not be feasible: “Legal provisions allow the use of ungulates exclusively on extremely inaccessible terrain where log pulling and transportation of fuel wood is not possible in any other way. The provision itself bans any other form of use of ungulates log pulling logs and thereby any use of ungulates in the so-called log-pulling and other ‘competitions.’ There are no exemptions from the law regarding the use of ungulates!” Any breach of the law involves substantive pecuniary penalties.

“No one minds people getting together and having fun, but not if it involves primitive horse abuse, including concealed beating inside barns in preparation for the contest. It is time log pulling organizers and participants find themselves a job rather than make a profit from horse suffering. It is time for the veterinary inspection to stop pandering to aggressive individuals involved in the organization of log-pulling events while violating clear legal provisions. It is particularly disconcerting to see children watch log-pulling competitions where the only thing they can learn is to force horses to pull heavy logs for someone’s personal profit. Instead, organize fairs and exhibitions where you can compete with the most beautiful or the strongest horse,” stated Animal Friends Croatia. They also called on the veterinary inspection to act in accordance with the existing Animal Protection Act, to stop casting a slur on the reputation of the Republic of Croatia and the veterinary profession, and by withholding its consent, to immediately end all use of horses for log pulling.

Find here a petition to ban log-pulling contests, including instructions for the public on how to help horses by writing to the State Inspectorate and the Ministry of Agriculture.

horse pulling a log [ 164.31 Kb ]

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