10/04/24 Dog Killed by Tram Due to Irresponsibility

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Animal Friends Croatia call on citizens and drivers to care for animals and take caution in traffic

- Anyone injuring an animal is obliged to assist it or seek assistance

Following the recent news on the tram driver who allegedly intentionally killed a dog in Zagreb city centre, Animal Friends Croatia point out that the horrific sight witnessed by the public and the enormous suffering of the dog in question mandate a detailed investigation to determine the circumstances of the accident and driver’s responsibility in the case.

The group state that dogs and other animals must be under constant supervision by their owners, primarily for their own safety. “The Animal Protection Act stipulates that anyone who injures an animal must try to assist it, and if they are not able to do it themselves, they must seek assistance for the animal. If no animal owner is established, the cost of assistance for the injured animal is assumed by the local self-government unit on whose territory the animal was harmed,” explained Animal Friends Croatia.

Moreover, they added that city council-level decisions on the conditions and means of keeping pets stipulate that pets can move in public spaces under their owners’ supervision, on a leash or with the assistance of any other equipment that prevents uncontrolled roaming of pets in public spaces. Violation of either of these two provisions entails high fines.

“The so-called free walking dogs are in constant danger of suffering injury in traffic, and their owners are breaching the law while risking the safety and life of both dogs and other parties in traffic. We appeal to the public once again to act responsibly and take adequate care of their pets, by microchipping, neutering, and vaccinating them, as well as walking them in public spaces strictly on a leash. We express our deepest regret over the horrific death suffered by this dog, especially given that it could have been avoided had citizens acted more responsibly. Considering the large number of dog and particularly cat casualties, we invite drivers to use caution and brake if they spot an animal, and if they cannot stop the vehicle and injure the animal, to stop as soon as they can and offer help or seek assistance for the animal,” stated Animal Friends Croatia.

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