06/21/24 Two Lucky to Escape the Slaughterhouse, Unlike 200,000 Others

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Together with many other citizens, Animal Friends Croatia cheers for two escaped bulls

- Mirko and Slavko are on the run from a slaughterhouse, telling a story about the will to live a life free of exploitation and slaughtering

Two bulls escaped from a Split slaughterhouse tells a story about the fight for freedom and a will to live a life free of exploitation and slaughtering. They want someone to notice an unfair war which sees their brothers and sisters killed every day. Almost two hundred thousand bulls, cows, steers, and calves or, better said, males, females, youth, and children that humans kill on the war front that are Croatian slaughterhouses.

Animal Friends Croatia named them Mirko and Slavko because, despite hard sacrifices and almost non-existent chances for survival, there is always hope that justice and freedom will prevail. They believe that this bloody war will see an end one day and slaughterhouses will become a matter of the past that we will remember in disgust.

The animal protection group are hoping to see at least a bit of freedom for these two heroes. They say that the message Mirko and Slavko are conveying is that no one should have to die; peace is in the hands of humans, and their death is neither necessary nor warranted, while plants used for the termination of their close and distant relatives should disappear so that we could all experience real peace. A world without hundreds of thousands of killed innocent beings can really become true, we just need to believe in it. Mirko and Slavko give us hope that that day is coming, that animal freedom is coming.

“The bulls’ escape clearly indicates their strong will to live as experienced by animals faced with brutal death across slaughterhouses. We know they do not want to die, we know they escaped into the unknown, even if they are likely to die of thirst, heat, in a car accident or in a slaughterhouse. We cannot pretend not to know how scared they are, not to notice the horror in their eyes, their screams, and the terrifying realisation of the animal in the queue for slaughtering that the one before it died in utter agony and suffering,” emphasise Animal Friends Croatia.

More information on how to help bulls, cows, steers, calves, and other animals that want to live the way we do, and that run away from slaughterhouses just as we humans would too, is available from www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr. You can join the famous Veggie Challenge at www.veganopolis.net and find out how to easily save many animal lives.

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