04/07/14 Plant Based Vitamin Line

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For World Health Day a six-meters-long Vitamin line and promotion of nutrition brochure

- Zagreb, Trg bana Jelacica, Monday, April 7, doctor's advice, vitamin line and new brochure

On the occasion of World Health Day Animal Friends promotes its new nutrition brochure Plant Based Nutrition intended for doctors and nutritionists and others who are interested in healthy foods, a plant based diet, the Green Monday campaign but also people who already are vegetarian or vegans.

The brochure lists basic guidelines to a plant based diet together with practical tips regarding meals, and addresses health aspects of such a diet. The brochure was written by Dr Stephen Walsh for The Vegan Society, it was translated to Croatian by Dr Dubravka Novotni, BSc. ing. nutrition.

On the occasion of the World Health Day the brochure will be sent to many Croatian nutritionists and doctors, associations and institutions, and it is available free of charge to all anyone interested at www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr.

On World Health Day, April 7, 2014, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., on Trg bana Jelacica there will be a six meters long Vitamin line with ingredients of plant-based origin, and Dr Martina Miklic Bublic will be giving advice to citizens on the health aspect of a plant based diet.

People whose diet is based on food of plant based origin have lower cholesterol levels and a balanced blood pressure, are less likely to suffer heart diseases or cancer, have a better control and prevention of diabetes and find it easier to keep to their desired weight.

In Croatia currently there are over 160,000 vegetarians and vegans, and this number grows daily, as well as the number of people interested in the vegan diet. Latest research shows that 80% of people directly support vegetarianism, and 30% of them stated that they might become vegetarians.

In order to be of service to all interested experts and laymen, along the nutrition brochure, there will be the opportunity to ask questions connected with the plant based diet on Animal Friends' web page, and answers will be provided by Dr Martina Miklic Bublic, Dr Dubravka Novotni and Ivana Simic, mag. nutrition.

World Health Day this year falls on a Monday and it is therefore a nice reminder to the Green Monday campaign whose aim is to promote vegetarian food by encouraging citizens to eat exclusively ingredients of plant-based origin at least one day a week. This meat-free day campaign is spreading all over the globe and every day is being joined by individuals, associations, institutions and city administrations.

The new website of the Green Monday campaign www.zeleni-ponedjeljak.com daily offers more recipes and useful information, and you can find all the ways of joining the campaign there as well as an application form to receive new interesting recipes weekly, where already thousands of people are subscribed.

In order to further motivate the public to think about the benefits of a plant based diet for human health to mark the World Health Day, there is a video on YouTube www.youtube.com/afcroatia featuring a 98 year old cardiothoracic surgeon Dr Ellsworth Wareham talking about his professional and personal life experience.

This event is supported by bio&bio and Encian who have made their products available for the vitamin line.

Photos by Katja Matovina and Bernard V. Franolic.

World Health Day 2014 [ 138.25 Kb ]World Health Day 2014 [ 145.76 Kb ]World Health Day 2014 [ 148.77 Kb ]World Health Day 2014 [ 166.33 Kb ]World Health Day 2014 [ 176.81 Kb ]World Health Day 2014 [ 158.63 Kb ]World Health Day 2014 [ 155.25 Kb ]World Health Day 2014 [ 173.25 Kb ]World Health Day 2014 [ 174.58 Kb ]World Health Day 2014 [ 155.30 Kb ]World Health Day 2014 [ 152.75 Kb ]

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