03/10/18 14 th Animal Protection Network meeting held

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Many associations confirmed their official stance and supported implementation of the Animal Protection Act

- Permanent sterilization, control of microchipping, adoptation instead of purchase, no kill shelters

The 14th meeting of the Animal Protection Network was held on March 10th, 2018, on the premises of the Animal Friends Croatia association in Zagreb, gathering 20 animal protection groups from different parts of Croatia. The topics of the meeting were the implementation of the Animal Protection Act and its usage by local self-government units in order to stop the suffering of animals and the irresponsibility of citizens.

Three basic principles of the Animal Protection Network were confirmed during the meeting. The Animal Protection Network was established in 2008, with the aim of mutual cooperation and exchange of experiences of associations actively working on animal protection in Croatia: control of animal breeding through permanent sterilization (spaying/neutering), adoption of dogs and cats instead of animal purchase, and promotion of kill shelters run on non-profit grounds.

The necessity of the formation and work of the coordination working groups was also stressed. They are prescribed by the new Animal Protection Act and established by each county with the aim of cooperating and adopting a strategy for reducing the number of abandoned animals. Along with the representatives of regional and local communities, representatives of animal protection associations, police, veterinary chambers and shelters for abandoned and lost animals must also be involved in the work of these working groups.

It has been pointed out that it is extremely important to carry out the complete control of microchipping of all dogs. Every dog in Croatia must be labeled by microchip and many cities and municipalities have already started systematic control, but the actual results will be measurable only by the stipulation of permanent sterilization (spaying/neutering) as a mandatory way of controlling the breeding of dogs and cats.

Permanent sterilization can save numerous animals from suffering and death, and it can save cities and municipalities from allocating money due to irresponsible citizens. That is the only alternative to daily stories about abandoned puppies and kittens that rarely even have the opportunity to end up in a shelter.

The meeting’s focus was implementing mandatory and permanent sterilization in local communities. All the associations were very loud and clear in pointing out that this is a necessary and effective way of solving the cause of the problem, i.e. to prevent the suffering of animals and people caused by the irresponsible citizens.

It is concluded that permanent sterilization is the only humane and proven way of reproduction control and that a joint appeal will be made to cities that have yet to participate, encouraging them to follow the good practice of the cities that have implemented sterilization or are in the process of doing so.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Mislav Kucenjak, DVM, senior veterinary inspector at the Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, in order to give a presentation on the jurisdiction of the veterinary inspection under the new Animal Protection Act and answer numerous questions related to the implementation of the Act.

It was emphasized several times during the meeting that good communication and cooperation between the local and regional communities, veterinary inspections, communal inspectors and animal protection associations is very important and that the new Animal Protection Act provides opportunities for local communities to make long-awaited implementations. The Network meeting ended in a very positive tone, and the next meeting was announced for June.

14th meeting of the animal protection network [ 183.03 Kb ]14th meeting of the animal protection network [ 203.43 Kb ]14th meeting of the animal protection network [ 191.34 Kb ]14th meeting of the animal protection network [ 189.68 Kb ]

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